Hydrogen-fueled 2016 Toyota Mirai release date

2016 Toyota Mirai release date

Later this year, Toyota will release the 2016 Toyota Mirai, further changing the automotive industry as we know it. In 1992, Toyota began developing a plan for alternative fuel vehicles, and in 2015, their plans became reality. Future possibilities are endless, and Toyota is excited to keep moving forward with fuel cell vehicles (FCVs). How do FCVs actually work? Let’s take a closer look.

How a fuel cell vehicle works

  1. First, you fill the sturdy and lightweight carbon-fiber fuel tanks with hydrogen fuel.
  2. Next, the grills at the front of the car bring in oxygen to the fuel cell stack, and the hydrogen joins, causing a chemical reaction that creates electricity.
  3. Then, you put your foot on the gas pedal, and the electricity travels from the fuel cell stack to the motor, propelling your car.
  4. Finally, the best part is the byproduct—water! The only thing the 2016 Toyota Mirai will leave behind is water. FCVs are a huge step forward in improving fuel economy.

Fuel cell systems are already being used in various settings, including back-up generators, submarines, and forklifts. The 2016 Toyota Mirai’s fuel cell system has been tried and tested for safety, durability, and sensibility. And it has potential to forever change the future of the car industry.

Toyota Vacaville has a used and new car inventory including several Toyota models. If you’re interested, schedule a test drive today! Stop in and see us and don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. Be a part of automotive history and stay tuned later this year to get your 2016 Toyota Mirai.
